Back to list Print 13. Feb. 2014

Shadow days at "Rīgas satiksme"

Today, on February 12,"Rīgas satiksme" received 14 dedicated pupils, who took the opportunity offered by the Shadow days not only to learn more about the specifics of the company and its operations, but also to get familiar with the representatives of professions of their interest.

This year, like in the previous three years of "Rīgas satiksme" hosting the Shadow days, many wanted to be the shadows of public transport drivers. Five of the visitors would like to become bus drivers; two are interested in the tram driver’s profession and one in that of trolleybus driver. Three pupils visited the traffic control centre and as many visited the PR section.

To begin with, the shadows gathered in the administration building at Vestienas Street, where all of them were introduced to the history, goals and business of "Rīgas satiksmes", which is passenger transportation. Then everybody could meet representatives of the profession of their interest, who showed them around and told about their everyday work, and also offered to join in. The shadows visited the central traffic control building, administration building in Vestienas Street, bus depot No. 7, trolleybus depot No. 2 and tram depot No. 5.

The most active shadows - Linda, who is a 5-former, and Mikus, who is 14 years old, visited tram depot No. 5. Linda told that the tram driver’s profession seems interesting to her, but Mikus is fascinated by the new shining dashboards of low-floor trams. The boy wants to become a tram driver, which he sees as an exciting profession: „You must keep an eye on everything, it’s a very responsible job,” he said.

Aleksejs, who is now in his 9th school year, visited the traffic control centre to find out how it works and how the traffic controllers act in case of a serious accident. Kristiāns from Carnikava special boarding-school, who also visited the traffic controllers, writes in his application: „I know Riga public transport network well and can plan any route, and "Rīgas satiksme" work interests me greatly.”

Last month every pupil could apply for Shadow days in "Rīgas satiksme". 

For more information about the services provided by "Rīgas satiksme", public transport routes and schedules, types of tickets and other news, please visit our webpage at, social networks "twitter", "facebook", "" or call our toll-free information phone 80001919.

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